Who am I?

Hi there, I'm Erica!

You're probably wondering how I came around these parts of the woods ..and I have to say that it's no coincidence how coding has re-entered my life. It started out with NeoPets, Gaia Online, and Xanga.. then I took a computer elective in middle school where I learned how to build a website purely from HTML. I thought I left it all behind when I graduated with a Psychology degree but now.. I'm BACK and fully ready to jazz websites up with CSS and Javscript while creating user intuitive apps!! Can you believe it? It's been a wild journey.

Some fun facts!

  • I love Ducks💕
  • I love to build stuff - I'm super curious about how things work.
  • I love all pets! Especially if you have a pet duck or doggo 💕
  • I love to try different foods.
  • I will ask for help most of the time but I love helping others more.

  • If you ever need assistance with getting your idea on an app or website, I got chu.

    Please visit the services page for more information. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

    What can I do for you?

    Brand Buidling & Digital Strategy

    Marketing & advertising strategy that utilizes online and offline based technologies to promote your services and grow your brand.

    Full-Stack Web Development

    Front-end (client/user-facing) and back-end web development and design, from wireframes and UI/UX design to Full Stack Web Applications.

    Responsive Design

    Built to look and perform beautifully on all types of devices, with a page structure that is logical and helps users (and search engines) browse efficiently.

    UI/UX Design

    A creative approach to all design decisions to ensure that products can be understood by everyone.

    Service Breakdown - Contract


    I create designs that adapt to the capabilities of many devices and screen sizes. I create them iteratively using HTML and CSS, and it would be a poor use of my time to mock up every template as a static visual. I may use visuals to indicate a creative direction (color, texture and typography).

    You will have plenty of opportunities to review my work and provide feedback. I will share a Github repository and development site with you and we will have regular contact via phone, email, or any video chat provider we agree to, such as Zoom.

    If — at any stage — you change your mind about what you want delivered or are not happy with the direction my work is taking, you will pay me in full for the time I've spent working until that point and may terminate this contract.

    Text Content

    Unless agreed separately, I am not responsible for inputting text or images into your content management system or creating every page on your website. I do provide professional copywriting and editing services, so if you’d like me to create new content or input content for you, I will provide a separate estimate.

    Graphics and Photographs

    You should supply graphic files in an editable, vector digital format. You should supply photographs in a high resolution digital format. If you choose to buy stock photographs, I can suggest stock libraries. If you’d like me to search for photographs for you, I can provide a separate estimate.

    HTML, CSS and JavaScript

    I deliver pages developed from HTML markup, CSS stylesheets for styling and JavaScript for behavior.

    Browser & Mobile Browser Testing

    I test my work in current versions of major desktop and mobile browsers including Opera, Apple (Safari), Google (Chrome), Microsoft (Edge), and Mozilla Firefox. I will not test in other older browsers unless we agreed separately. If you need an enhanced design for an older browser, I can provide a separate estimate for that.

    Browser testing no longer means attempting to make a website look the same in browsers of different capabilities or on devices with different size screens. It does mean ensuring that a person’s experience of a design should be appropriate to the capabilities of a browser or device.

    Changes and revisions

    I do not want to limit your ability to change your mind. The price at the beginning of this contract is based on the amount of time that I estimate I'll need to accomplish everything you’ve told me you want to achieve, but I'm happy to be flexible. If you want to change your mind or add anything new, that won’t be a problem as I will provide a separate estimate for the additional time.

    Technical Support

    I am not a website hosting company so I do not offer support for website hosting, email or other services relating to hosting. You may already have professional hosting. If you don’t, I will recommend one of my preferred hosting providers. I can set up your site on a server if you'd like, and will provide a separate estimate for that. Then, the updates to, and management of that server will be up to you.

    For most projects, I prefer a serverless solution to save us both time and money. This means your website is hosted in the cloud and so there is no need for server management. I will recommend this option when I feel it is appropriate.